Rastreamento de Câncer de Colo de Útero
0.0.1 - preliminar
Rastreamento de Câncer de Colo de Útero, published by Comissão de Governança de Informação em Saúde (CGIS - UFG). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/kyriosdata/farol/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
URL oficial: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/requisicao-exame-citopatologico | Versão: 0.0.1 | |||
Draft as of 2024-07-17 | Nome para computador: RequisicaoExameCitopatologico | |||
Copyright: Ministério da Saúde. Produzido pela UFG em parceria com o INCA. |
Requisição de exame citopatológico do colo do útero.
Descrição de perfis, diferenças, instantâneo, e como apresentações diferentes funcionam.
Essa estrutura é derivada de ServiceRequest
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
ServiceRequest | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero | |
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |
identifier | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order | |
system | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan | |
value | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN | |
status | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Fixed Value: active | |
intent | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Fixed Value: order | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. | |
coding | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |
display | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO | |
userSelected | 0..0 | |||
subject | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. | |
authoredOn | 0..0 | |||
requester | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. | |
reasonCode | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) | |
coding | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame | |
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |
specimen | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | URI |
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
ServiceRequest | C | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero prr-1: orderDetail SHALL only be present if code is present |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order |
use | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . |
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan |
value | Σ | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN Example General: 123456 |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: RequestStatus (required): The status of a service order. Fixed Value: active |
intent | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Binding: RequestIntent (required): The kind of service request. Fixed Value: order |
doNotPerform | ?!Σ | 0..1 | boolean | True if service/procedure should not be performed |
code | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. Binding: ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Codes for tests or services that can be carried out by a designated individual, organization or healthcare service. For laboratory, LOINC is (preferred)[http://build.fhir.org/terminologies.html#preferred] and a valueset using LOINC Order codes is available here. |
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO |
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. |
requester | Σ | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. |
reasonCode | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) |
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame |
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |
specimen | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | URI |
ServiceRequest.identifier.use | required | IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.status | required | Fixed Value: activehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-status|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.intent | required | Fixed Value: orderhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-intent|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.code | example | ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/procedure-code from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
ServiceRequest | C | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero prr-1: orderDetail SHALL only be present if code is present | ||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
use | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . | ||||
type | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Description of identifier Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan | ||||
value | Σ | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN Example General: 123456 | ||||
period | Σ | 0..1 | Period | Time period when id is/was valid for use | ||||
assigner | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Organization that issued id (may be just text) | ||||
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(ActivityDefinition | PlanDefinition) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | ||||
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition | ||||
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest | MedicationRequest) | What request fulfills | ||||
replaces | Σ | 0..* | Reference(ServiceRequest) | What request replaces | ||||
requisition | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Composite Request ID | ||||
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: RequestStatus (required): The status of a service order. Fixed Value: active | ||||
intent | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Binding: RequestIntent (required): The kind of service request. Fixed Value: order | ||||
category | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Classification of service Binding: ServiceRequestCategoryCodes (example): Classification of the requested service. | ||||
priority | Σ | 0..1 | code | routine | urgent | asap | stat Binding: RequestPriority (required): Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request. | ||||
doNotPerform | ?!Σ | 0..1 | boolean | True if service/procedure should not be performed | ||||
code | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. Binding: ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Codes for tests or services that can be carried out by a designated individual, organization or healthcare service. For laboratory, LOINC is (preferred)[http://build.fhir.org/terminologies.html#preferred] and a valueset using LOINC Order codes is available here. | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system | ||||
version | Σ | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | ||||
code | Σ | 0..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system | ||||
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
orderDetail | ΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional order information Binding: ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodes (example): Codified order entry details which are based on order context. | ||||
quantity[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Service amount | |||||
quantityQuantity | Quantity | |||||||
quantityRatio | Ratio | |||||||
quantityRange | Range | |||||||
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. | ||||
encounter | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Encounter in which the request was created | ||||
occurrence[x] | Σ | 0..1 | When service should occur | |||||
occurrenceDateTime | dateTime | |||||||
occurrencePeriod | Period | |||||||
occurrenceTiming | Timing | |||||||
asNeeded[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Preconditions for service Binding: SNOMEDCTMedicationAsNeededReasonCodes (example): A coded concept identifying the pre-condition that should hold prior to performing a procedure. For example "pain", "on flare-up", etc. | |||||
asNeededBoolean | boolean | |||||||
asNeededCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
requester | Σ | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. | ||||
performerType | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Performer role Binding: ParticipantRoles (example): Indicates specific responsibility of an individual within the care team, such as "Primary physician", "Team coordinator", "Caregiver", etc. | ||||
performer | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | HealthcareService | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Requested performer | ||||
locationCode | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Requested location Binding: ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType (example): A location type where services are delivered. | ||||
locationReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Location) | Requested location | ||||
reasonCode | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
reasonReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Condition | Observation | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference) | Explanation/Justification for service or service | ||||
insurance | 0..* | Reference(Coverage | ClaimResponse) | Associated insurance coverage | |||||
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |||||
specimen | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples | ||||
bodySite | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Location on Body Binding: SNOMEDCTBodyStructures (example): Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality. | ||||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments | |||||
patientInstruction | Σ | 0..1 | string | Patient or consumer-oriented instructions | ||||
relevantHistory | 0..* | Reference(Provenance) | Request provenance | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | URI | |||
ServiceRequest.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/languages from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.identifier.use | required | IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.identifier.type | extensible | Identifier Type Codeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-type from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.status | required | Fixed Value: activehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-status|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.intent | required | Fixed Value: orderhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-intent|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.category | example | ServiceRequestCategoryCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-category from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.priority | required | RequestPriorityhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-priority|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.code | example | ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/procedure-code from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.orderDetail | example | ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-orderdetail from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.asNeeded[x] | example | SNOMEDCTMedicationAsNeededReasonCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/medication-as-needed-reason from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.performerType | example | ParticipantRoleshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/participant-role from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.locationCode | example | ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleTypehttp://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType | ||||
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG | ||||
ServiceRequest.bodySite | example | SNOMEDCTBodyStructureshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/body-site from the FHIR Standard |
Essa estrutura é derivada de ServiceRequest
Mandatory: 6 elements(1 nested mandatory element)
Fixed: 3 elements
Prohibited: 2 elements
This structure refers to these other structures:
This structure refers to these extensions:
Visão de diferenças
Essa estrutura é derivada de ServiceRequest
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
ServiceRequest | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero | |
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |
identifier | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order | |
system | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan | |
value | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN | |
status | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Fixed Value: active | |
intent | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Fixed Value: order | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. | |
coding | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following | |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |
display | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO | |
userSelected | 0..0 | |||
subject | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. | |
authoredOn | 0..0 | |||
requester | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. | |
reasonCode | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) | |
coding | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame | |
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |
specimen | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples | |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet | URI |
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG |
Visão de elementos chave
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
ServiceRequest | C | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero prr-1: orderDetail SHALL only be present if code is present |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order |
use | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . |
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan |
value | Σ | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN Example General: 123456 |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: RequestStatus (required): The status of a service order. Fixed Value: active |
intent | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Binding: RequestIntent (required): The kind of service request. Fixed Value: order |
doNotPerform | ?!Σ | 0..1 | boolean | True if service/procedure should not be performed |
code | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. Binding: ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Codes for tests or services that can be carried out by a designated individual, organization or healthcare service. For laboratory, LOINC is (preferred)[http://build.fhir.org/terminologies.html#preferred] and a valueset using LOINC Order codes is available here. |
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following |
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO |
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. |
requester | Σ | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. |
reasonCode | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) |
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame |
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |
specimen | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples |
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | URI |
ServiceRequest.identifier.use | required | IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.status | required | Fixed Value: activehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-status|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.intent | required | Fixed Value: orderhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-intent|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.code | example | ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/procedure-code from the FHIR Standard | |
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG |
Visão instantâneo
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints | ||||
ServiceRequest | C | 0..* | ServiceRequest | Requisição de exame citopatológico - Colo do Útero prr-1: orderDetail SHALL only be present if code is present | ||||
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact | ||||
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource | ||||
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created | ||||
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.
| |||||
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |||||
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |||||
identificador-prontuario | 0..1 | string | Prontuário URL: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/identificador-prontuario | |||||
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored | ||||
identifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Identifiers assigned to this order | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
use | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known) Binding: IdentifierUse (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known . | ||||
type | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Description of identifier Binding: Identifier Type Codes (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose. | ||||
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | The namespace for the identifier value Fixed Value: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/sid/siscan | ||||
value | Σ | 1..1 | string | O código único nacional para a requisição gerado pelo SISCAN Example General: 123456 | ||||
period | Σ | 0..1 | Period | Time period when id is/was valid for use | ||||
assigner | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Organization) | Organization that issued id (may be just text) | ||||
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(ActivityDefinition | PlanDefinition) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | ||||
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition | ||||
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | ServiceRequest | MedicationRequest) | What request fulfills | ||||
replaces | Σ | 0..* | Reference(ServiceRequest) | What request replaces | ||||
requisition | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Composite Request ID | ||||
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown Binding: RequestStatus (required): The status of a service order. Fixed Value: active | ||||
intent | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | Ordem de serviço Binding: RequestIntent (required): The kind of service request. Fixed Value: order | ||||
category | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Classification of service Binding: ServiceRequestCategoryCodes (example): Classification of the requested service. | ||||
priority | Σ | 0..1 | code | routine | urgent | asap | stat Binding: RequestPriority (required): Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request. | ||||
doNotPerform | ?!Σ | 0..1 | boolean | True if service/procedure should not be performed | ||||
code | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | A identificação da requisição de exame pelo SIGTAP. Binding: ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT) (example): Codes for tests or services that can be carried out by a designated individual, organization or healthcare service. For laboratory, LOINC is (preferred)[http://build.fhir.org/terminologies.html#preferred] and a valueset using LOINC Order codes is available here. | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Code defined by a terminology system Required Pattern: At least the following | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |||||
system | 1..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system Fixed Value: http://www.saude.gov.br/fhir/r4/CodeSystem/BRTabelaSUS | |||||
version | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | |||||
code | 1..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system Fixed Value: 0203010086 | |||||
display | 0..1 | string | Representation defined by the system | |||||
userSelected | 0..1 | boolean | If this coding was chosen directly by the user | |||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
system | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Identity of the terminology system | ||||
version | Σ | 0..1 | string | Version of the system - if relevant | ||||
code | Σ | 0..1 | code | Symbol in syntax defined by the system | ||||
display | Σ | 0..1 | string | Não é necessário fornecer o 'display'. Abaixo segue apenas para facilitar o consumo desta documentação. Required Pattern: EXAME CITOPATOLÓGICO CERVICO VAGINAL/MICROFLORA-RASTREAMENTO | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
orderDetail | ΣC | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional order information Binding: ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodes (example): Codified order entry details which are based on order context. | ||||
quantity[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Service amount | |||||
quantityQuantity | Quantity | |||||||
quantityRatio | Ratio | |||||||
quantityRange | Range | |||||||
subject | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Paciente) | A(o) paciente sujeito da requisição. | ||||
encounter | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Encounter in which the request was created | ||||
occurrence[x] | Σ | 0..1 | When service should occur | |||||
occurrenceDateTime | dateTime | |||||||
occurrencePeriod | Period | |||||||
occurrenceTiming | Timing | |||||||
asNeeded[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Preconditions for service Binding: SNOMEDCTMedicationAsNeededReasonCodes (example): A coded concept identifying the pre-condition that should hold prior to performing a procedure. For example "pain", "on flare-up", etc. | |||||
asNeededBoolean | boolean | |||||||
asNeededCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||||||
requester | Σ | 1..1 | ReferenciaUnidadeDeSaude(Organization) | A unidade de saúde na qual a requisição é criada. | ||||
performerType | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Performer role Binding: ParticipantRoles (example): Indicates specific responsibility of an individual within the care team, such as "Primary physician", "Team coordinator", "Caregiver", etc. | ||||
performer | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | HealthcareService | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Requested performer | ||||
locationCode | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Requested location Binding: ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType (example): A location type where services are delivered. | ||||
locationReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Location) | Requested location | ||||
reasonCode | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Motivo do exame Binding: Motivos para exame (required) | ||||
id | 0..1 | string | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |||||
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url | |||||
coding | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Código que identifica o motivo do exame | ||||
text | Σ | 0..1 | string | Plain text representation of the concept | ||||
reasonReference | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Condition | Observation | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference) | Explanation/Justification for service or service | ||||
insurance | 0..* | Reference(Coverage | ClaimResponse) | Associated insurance coverage | |||||
supportingInfo | 2..2 | Reference(Estrutura das resposas da anamnese | Exame Clínico) | Informações que são empregadas para realização do laudo de exame citopatológico. | |||||
specimen | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Amostra (requisição)) | Procedure Samples | ||||
bodySite | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Location on Body Binding: SNOMEDCTBodyStructures (example): Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality. | ||||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments | |||||
patientInstruction | Σ | 0..1 | string | Patient or consumer-oriented instructions | ||||
relevantHistory | 0..* | Reference(Provenance) | Request provenance | |||||
Documentation for this format |
Path | Conformance | ValueSet / Code | URI | |||
ServiceRequest.language | preferred | CommonLanguages
http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/languages from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.identifier.use | required | IdentifierUsehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-use|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.identifier.type | extensible | Identifier Type Codeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/identifier-type from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.status | required | Fixed Value: activehttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-status|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.intent | required | Fixed Value: orderhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-intent|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.category | example | ServiceRequestCategoryCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-category from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.priority | required | RequestPriorityhttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-priority|4.0.1 from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.code | example | ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/procedure-code from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.orderDetail | example | ServiceRequestOrderDetailsCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/servicerequest-orderdetail from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.asNeeded[x] | example | SNOMEDCTMedicationAsNeededReasonCodeshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/medication-as-needed-reason from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.performerType | example | ParticipantRoleshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/participant-role from the FHIR Standard | ||||
ServiceRequest.locationCode | example | ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleTypehttp://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType | ||||
ServiceRequest.reasonCode | required | MotivosExame (a valid code from Motivo do exame citopatológico)https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/ValueSet/motivos-exame-citopatologico from this IG | ||||
ServiceRequest.bodySite | example | SNOMEDCTBodyStructureshttp://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/body-site from the FHIR Standard |
Essa estrutura é derivada de ServiceRequest
Mandatory: 6 elements(1 nested mandatory element)
Fixed: 3 elements
Prohibited: 2 elements
This structure refers to these other structures:
This structure refers to these extensions:
Outras representações do perfil: CSV, Excel, Schematron